Japanese & British Art Now 2005

Fine Art Consultancyは、イギリスの現代アートを紹介する日英文化交流イベント『British Art Now 2005』を開催する。


Fine Art Consultancy
British Art Now 2005 Kathryn Bell / Organiser

web: www.fineartconsultancy.com

Fine Art Consultancyは、イギリスの現代アートを紹介する日英文化交流イベント『British Art Now 2005』を開催する。詳細は次の通りである。
Please find below the press releases for British Art Now 2005.

Japanese & British Art Now 2005
Exhibitions will be held at various Tokyo venues in June 05 and in London in October 05. All will feature the work of British based Japanese artists alongside long time British JBAN artists and the show will celebrate a decade of the Anglo-Japanese project.

ジャパニーズ&ブリティッシュ アート ナウ:

■ Art Planning Room Aoyama(アートプランニングルーム青山)
June 20th-July 6th. Party 26th June (3-5pm)
Space as a central information and multi-media area
12pm-7pm (Closed on Sun except for 3-5pm on 26th for opening party,
26日3-5時除き日曜休み) Tel: +81 3 3404 9543 Fax: +81 3 3402 7118 HP:http://aoyama.site.ne.jp/
Email: azzurro@circus.ocn.ne.jp Contact/連絡先: 相川 まで

■ Sikaku Toki Art Space(トキアートスペース): David Stewart(デイビッド・スチュアート)
June 20th-June 26th. Party 21st June (5-7:30pm)/ 26th June (3-4:30pm)
“Sculpture using found materials: Health and Safety”
Based on workplace health & safety signs etc. reproduced as wood block prints in traditional mass production technique.
11:30pm-7pm (Last day: -5pm, 最終日:午後5時終了)
Tel: +81 3 3479 0332 Fax: +81 3 3479 0332 Contact/連絡先:トキ まで

■ SPICA art(スピカアート): Simon Hitchens(サイモン・ヒッチンス)
June 22nd-July 6th. Party 26th June (5-7pm)
“In the Presence of Absence”
Consist of a number of forms made from layered clear cast resin, each containing blue or colorless cylinders set within.
12pm-7pm (Closed on Sun except for 5-7pm on 26th for opening party,
Tel: +81 3 5414 2264 Fax: +81 3 5414 2265 HP: http://www.spica.cc/
Email: junko@spica.cc Contact/連絡先: 西嶋 まで

■ Galerie Omotesando(表参道画廊): Mali Morris(マリ・モリス)
June 22nd-July 2nd. Party 26th June (3-5pm)
“Singular and the Painterly”
Works on canvas and paper have a luminosity and lightness of touch, and an apparent simplicity and immediacy. 
12pm-7pm (Closed on Sun except for 3-5pm on 26th for opening party/Last day: -5pm, 
26日3-時除き 日曜休み/最終日:午後 時終了)
Tel & Fax: +81 3 5775 2469 HP: http://www.omotesando-garo.com
Email: info@omotesando-garo.com Contact/連絡先: 里井 まで
■ Talk by Visiting Artists at Art Planning Room Aoyama:
June 24th (start at 6pm)
Special evening hosted by 3 visiting artists; David Stewart, Simon Hitchens, Mali Morris will each give a talk and a slide show about their works.
Email: azzurro@circus.ocn.ne.jp Contact/連絡先: 相川 まで

For further information and images contact the gallery or
Kathryn Bell (Email: kathryn_z.bell@virgin.net )
Takako Sato (e-mail: ban_tokyo@hotmail.com)
at BAN, Tokyo (080 3020 2661)
FAC, London (Tel: 020 8960 0070, Fax: 020 8960 0209)


企業名 JBAN
代表者名 キャサリン・ベル
業種 未選択


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